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Would you like to advertise on Yunicon and achieve greater reach? There are various ways in which you can get your message across to our target group.

Conbook (print run 4000-6000 copies):

  • Data format for an A5 half page: 10.8 x 15.4 cm – 150€
  • Data format for an A5 full page: 15.4 x 21.6 cm – 300€

Push message via our app:

The message will be sent to everyone who has installed our app.

For this we need the title, a picture and the description.

Per push message: 10€

Please enter the date and time when this should be sent out in the notes.

Stage advertising:

  • Image: 250€ (1920×1080 pixels)
  • Video: 350€ (3840×2160)

Please enter the date and time when this should be sent out in the notes.

Please fill out the form below!

Tickets Konto/anmelden

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